Registered Homeopath GTA

Homeopathy in Toronto

Family Homeopathic Clinic

Hi there! I am Anna Sienicka.

I am a registered homeopath in Toronto, Canada who is very passionate about helping people who are looking to heal their body and/or mind using the power of Nature. I love nothing more than seeing clients' health improve when conventional medicine has failed them.

I understand there is a lot of fear out there and receiving a diagnosis can make you lose hope at times.

I want you to know that there is hope for you and/or your loved ones. People can, and often do, get better despite all the odds, provided they are given the proper tools and nurturing.

Nature is so powerful and I am very excited to use its many gifts while working with homeopathic remedies which are derived from herbs, minerals, mushrooms and more.

IMAGINE HOW GREAT YOU WILL FEEL... when you see and experience the results of getting your health back on track again... when you wake up and start your day full of energy and excitement... when you can free yourself from worry and spend quality time with those you care about.

Would you like to:

  • Increase your energy levels?
  • Feel happier, more enthusiastic and full of vigor?
  • Regenerate your body and build a stronger immune system?
  • Live virtually allergy free?
  • Detoxify your body from heavy metals, parasites or candida?
  • Reduce or potentially eliminate physical pain (yes, even chronic headaches and back pain)?
  • Get tools and counseling to eliminate bad habits?

If you are interested in transformational results, don't hesitate to call or email me.

I look forward to working with you and your family - to help you recover and learn how to maintain your good health for the rest of your life.

Homeopathy Toronto Anna Sienicka

Area of Expertise

Women's Health
Women's Health

Life for a woman today is definitely challenging! The demands are many - a mother, a sister, a daughter or a wife. Finding the time and energy to fulfill these roles and cope with your own needs can be difficult and can eventually take its toll on your health.

Homeopathy offers endless possibilities for women's health! It is beneficial for the full range of emotional, mental and physical problems that a woman is likely to experience throughout her life. Homeopathy can relieve symptoms such as stress, anxiety, painful menstruation, hormonal imbalances, acne, boils, lumps, skin disorders including eczema or psoriasis as well as low energy and postmenopausal symptoms of hot flashes, insomnia and depression.

Your diagnosis is much less important than your unique symptoms. For example, ten people experiencing severe headaches can describe ten different sets of symptoms, each requiring a different remedy. Unlike a "one size fits all" approach, a Homeopath chooses a remedy that matches the unique symptom profile of the individual. See which remedy works best for your constitution! Life can be a lot easier, if you take the first step and reach out to ask for help.

Pregnancy / Post partum
Pregnancy / Post partum

Homeopathy is ideal for women in their childbearing years as it is a gentle yet highly effective system of medicine. During pregnancy, some women will choose to live with the discomfort of minor complaints such as morning sickness or heartburn, rather than seek treatment because they are concerned about the possible side effects of medicines on their unborn child.

Homeopathic remedies are completely safe and non-toxic because only a minuscule amount of the active ingredient is used in their preparation. Therefore, they can be very helpful in treating some of the troublesome symptoms that often accompany this stage of life.

Think how much easier your pregnancy would be if you could relieve morning sickness, constipation, hemorrhoids, hair loss, strong cravings, difficulty sleeping, gestational diabetes, fear of birth and irritability.

Because Homeopathy is very safe, even newborn babies can benefit from using homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy can be very helpful with troublesome rashes, eczemas, thrush, colic, temper tantrums as well as difficulty breastfeeding, digestive issues and allergies. Since there is no suppression of symptoms and everything shows up on the skin, these sorts of ailments are very easy to treat.

Children's Health
Children's Health

Children respond very well to homeopathic remedies. The mildly sweet pills, powders or liquids are easy to dispense and are more palatable than many conventional medicines. The highly diluted natural substances that form homeopathic remedies mean that they are safe to use on the very young, including small children. More than that, homeopathy can raise the immunity of your children to help deal with illness throughout their childhood.

A child's homeopathic consultation, as with any other homeopathic consultation, involves taking a history of the child's health. This intake process is very thorough and acknowledges all aspects of the child, including their characteristics and behaviour patterns, any past illnesses, and the presenting problem itself.

Homeopathy works fast with children because they are usually full of vitality. Acute conditions such as ear infections, tonsillitis and the flu, can be resolved rapidly using the right remedies, often avoiding the need for conventional medicines, i.e. antibiotics. Other issues where homeopathy can come in handy would include behavioural issues, ADHD, autism, hormonal changes in teenagers, anxiety, fears and depression.

Google Reviews

The legislation for registered Homeopaths in Ontario decided that testimonials were not permitted in advertising on websites that refer to a particular registrant or clinic. (Standards and Guidelines: Advertising, Standard 6, July 29, 2013).

Google reviews are independent of my site and I am only linking them for your reference.

You may also leave a review for me if you like.

Google Reviews Anna Sienicka